
The Boom Years

Europe and Worldwide

The end of the Second World War saw the world divided into two large opposing blocs: the Atlantic bloc (western Europe and the USA united in NATO) and the Soviet and Communist  country bloc (Warsaw Pact). The so-called Cold War led to the threat of global nuclear war. However, the Third World War did not take place and Europe was able to enjoy a long period of peace. 

Meanwhile, things flared up again in the Balkans after 1989. With the fall of the Soviet Empire, the socialist countries of eastern Europe adopted a market economy and internal nationalist demands began to grow. While preserving its single political party, communist China opened up to a capitalist-type economy.

Switzerland and Ticino

The end of the Second World War led to a period of great prosperity in the second half of the twentieth century. In 1971, 66% of the Swiss electorate approved the introduction of voting rights for women and the possibility for women to stand for office. In 1992, the majority of the Swiss population voted against joining the European Economic Area. 

After 1950, Ticino recorded extraordinary growth in its economy. Peak employment in industry was achieved in 1974. Subsequently, Ticino went on to become one of the cantons with the most employees in the service industry.

Si diffonde anche negli Usa il sistema autostradale

Technology, Science, Customs and Society

1991 - Nel mese di agosto nasce il World wide web al Cern di Ginevra
Inizia la commercializzazione dello Star Tac. I telefoni cellulari diventano sempre più comuni tra la popolazione

As the car became a mass consumer product, this led to increased traffic which, combined with the boom in industrial production, generated an increase in atmospheric pollution. Environmental movements began to grow in popularity.

Il cosmonauta sovietico Yuri Gagarin è il primo uomo ad andare in orbita attorno alla Terra

The creation of a world of young people with their own identity and demands was given a boost, delaying the start of adulthood. More and more people began to take part in sport. Man set foot on the moon for the first time (1969) and the internet was born.

L’inventrice statunitense Ruth Handler crea la prima bambola Barbie
Esce il primo album dei Beatles “Please please me”. La band cambierà la storia della musica e del costume.
Il dibattito televisivo per le presidenziali Usa tra Nixon e Kennedy
1994 - La Apple lancia il Machintosh, il personal computer che trasformerà il modo di interfacciarsi con l’utente
1998 - Il 27 settembre debutta il motore di ricerca Google, diventerà rapidamente punto di riferimento per le ricerche nel web