
The Onslaught of Two World Wars

Europe and Worldwide

The first half of the twentieth century saw a radical change in the international political map. Age-old empires fell, including the Habsburg and Ottoman empires. In the meantime, two new players – the USA and USSR – appeared on the scene and went on to dominate the world stage over the following decades. 

The momentous changes that took place were primarily brought about by the outcomes of the two world wars that led to tens of millions of military and civilian deaths, including the victims of the Holocaust triggered by the Nazi persecution of the Jews.

Switzerland and Ticino

In 1918, the federal state experienced the worst political crisis since its foundation with a general strike that led to the army being brought in. The reclamation of Magadino Plain was completed in Canton Ticino. 

Veduta della polizia a cavallo schierata, durante lo sciopero generale a Zurigo © Fondazione Pellegrini Canevascini
La comunità naturista del Monte Verità ad Ascona - © Fondazione Monte Verità

In Ascona, on Monte Verità, a community inspired by the values of naturism attracted scholars from all over Europe. Destinations in Ticino began to bring in more and more tourists from northern Europe.  

Si inizia a produrre il modello T della Ford. Sopra lo schema del motore

Technology, Science, Customs and Society

Albert Einstein formula la teoria della relatività ristretta
Una città del Texas negli anni Venti. Petrolio e automobili, simboli del Novecento

Great progress was made in medical science in the first half of the twentieth century. In physics, the theory of relativity developed by Albert Einstein and quantum mechanics overturned the way we conceive the structure of the universe.

Alexander Fleming scopre accidentalmente la penicillina
A Londra si tiene l’Esposizione internazionale surrealista con opere di numerosi artisti tra i quali Salvador Dalì
Il capolavoro cubista di Picasso dedicato a Guernica, città basca vittima dei bombardamenti tedeschi. Foto: Moleskine su licenza CC BY-SA 4.0

Radio became the most popular means of mass communication. Psychoanalytical theories began to be popularised.

Sigmund Freud, padre della psicanalisi, ritratto da M. Halberstadt
L’attrice Louise Brooks, tra le prime dive di Hollywood negli anni Venti, con il celebre taglio a caschetto