High Capacity

1950 - 2000

The second half of the twentieth century saw the introduction not only of the concept of high-speed rail, but also high-capacity rail. Technological research in this case has focused on improving the management of the railway networks, thanks in part to the development of information technology and so-called artificial intelligence.

Lavoratori impegnati nel prolungamento dei binari alla stazione ferroviaria di Rapperswil - © FFS Historic

Switzerland is committed to ensuring that the European Community acknowledges that rail transport (particularly combined transport) is the only short, medium and long-term solution to the transit traffic issue

Council of States Management Committee (1990)  

Un treno merci delle Ferrovie Federali Svizzere

The creation of high-capacity lines is necessary in order to reduce the environmental impact of articulated lorries in Switzerland, which is a particular issue along Europe’s north-south axis, between the ports of Rotterdam and Genoa.  

Un treno merci sulla tratta St. Moritz-Coira
Un terminal del porto di Rotterdam, nei Paesi Bassi